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Strength in Flow

I’d like to share a bit of what went through my mind when I saw these massive spectacles on my previous trip. And I just want to be clear that it’s not my intention to sound preachy, to change anyone’s mind but to write this as a reminder to myself and as something positive I want to release into whoever it resonates with because it’s something I would’ve like to have heard a lot on the past.

The only reason why the waterfalls seem to endlessly pour water is because of a constant state of flow. That is not to say that even the most powerful one can become a collection of putrid and stagnant puddle surrounded by mosquitoes that only sicken the quality of the water even more.

And the funny thing is, that the powerful nature of the flow of the waterfall is only there because it appears so. It’s easy to perceive it as perfect and endless as well as difficult to know what kind of obstacles have tried to stop it because the powerful current eliminates them quickly.

The obstacles in my life have unfortunately held too much power because I’ve forgotten to feed the flow of water. The blockage has made it seem as though I’m just a collection of sharp rocks and no longer a silky stream of water. And most of the time I’ve thought that becoming a puddle is an inevitable part of life, simple seasons of the year where I cannot even solve the simplest problems because I stink. And that the only thing that can get me out of it is rain, or an external current that will feed water back to me and wash away the stench. Whether it was a project of a trip or a phone call that made me feel good about myself again.

It’s easy to stay a puddle, it requires no effort but the consequences can be grave, no one wants to come visit you anymore (sad but true) because you don’t have much to offer, you’re allowing collections of obstacles to accumulate, making it harder to see how you were in your former glorious state, and you’re not moving anything, you’re simply stay still.

But unlike waterfalls, I have found (and am still working to put into practice daily) that we don’t have to rely on outside sources for water since we have an infinite reservoir hidden inside. It requires effort, especially to kickstart. But eventually it begins to feed and nurture itself and all you’ll need to do is check in.

The obstacles will keep coming, but the stronger your current is, the more you’ll realize that they don’t control you, they are not you and that by checking in with your reservoir from time to time, you’ll see them but quickly and naturally let them flow out of your life.

A lot of the time we try solve each problem on its own because we confuse the symptoms for the sickness itself. And if we only deal with the symptoms the illness will keep showing up in multiple forms. But by looking in and realizing what’s important to me and what feels right, I’ve found it easier to acknowledge the symptoms for what they are, and work on building up a stronghold against the real problems.

We might not be always able to put this in practice, we might and probably will fail, sometimes. But our obstacles only

Become us if we let them and this power will always exist and can be activated whenever you want no matter how much of a stinky puddle you feel.

I hope you have a great weekend!


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