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Rules to Live By

#1.- I want to have a conversation with a stranger every day.

#2.- I want to be someone that is not afraid to voice their opinion.

#3.- I never want to forget that there's a whole world of possibilities out there.

#4.- I want to be someone sure of what I do and aware that I can't always succeed at everything #5.- I want to stop questioning what I do and just go with the flow. #6.- I want to be conscious that there's no perfect way to live life, no matter #7.- I want to block out bad influences and let the good ones in. #8.- I want to wake up every morning and remember how special my life is and how privileged I am. #9.- I want to keep in touch with the people that matter. #10.- I want to stop being afraid of disappointments. They make you better. #11.- I want to listen more to my own advice. #12.- I want to be able to stop and think for a second before making important decisions. #13.- I want to be in good terms with the past. #14.- It takes time to adapt to new situations. Let it flow and don't force yourself to be perfectly comfortable the first minute. #15.- I want to stop being so opportunistic with my relationships and want to actually go into them because I care about these people. #16.- I want to be aware that nobody (myself included) is perfect but not use that as an excuse to not give it my best. #17.- Most importantly, I want to remember that I deserve to be happy. #18.- Everything you've been through is in the past. Learn to realize, accept and confront these situations and move on, but do realize that they happened to you. #19.- I want to pause sometimes and reflect on my life. I don't want to let it all go too fast. #20.- I want to be honest with myself and others. Don't do what you aren't passionate about. Your end product will suffer but most of all, you'll be unhappy. #21.- I want to give back to the people l love. It's the small details that count. #22.- I don't want to be afraid to try new things. If I haven't done it yet, it's never too late to start. #23.- I want to stop judging people. Everyone's different. #24.- I want to be kind and humble. Nothing worse than being cocky. #25.- I want to deal with problems as quick as I can, not delay them. They only become worse. #26.- Expectations always fail you, live flexibly but plan for the future. #27.- Don't kill yourself over missed opportunities. Learn to move on and look for the next one! #28.- I want to accept change, it's a part of life. If you embrace it, it ultimately might lead you to better things. #29.- Dont get frustrated with new problems. They can be solved and probably won't matter in some time. #30.- Follow your dreams and listen to your heart. No one knows yourself better than you. Accept advice but make your own choices. Time is limited in this life. #31.- Don't act differently than you would around your family. Be yourself, people will follow. #32.- Be confident in yourself, you're capable of astounding things. #33.- Don't do tomorrow, what you can do today. #34.- Don't be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Be afraid of boredom and a mundane life. #35.- Don't be so hard on yourself, it takes trying to achieve something. #36.- Be your own source of confidence. Don't depend on others to boost you up. #37.- It's harder to remain positive than negative, yet it's worth the energy to change your state of mind. #38.- It takes time to adapt to new situations. Let it flow and don't force yourself to be perfectly comfortable the first minute. #39.- View your life as a privilege, not as a right. Enjoy the small things already in your life that make you happy, don't expect happiness to fall upon you. #40.- It takes a real man or woman to say I'm sorry and mean it. Never be too proud to admit you were wrong. The people you've hurt will appreciate this more than you think, even if it happened a long time ago. #41.- Follow your instinct, then don't look back and regret. Instead, wait for the next opportunity and seize it! #42.- I want to not feel shame or be embarrassed for being alone sometimes. LOVE who you are and don't depend on others for happiness. #43.- The most successful people are where they are because they haven't quit. When the hard times arrive, figure out how to deal with them instead of spending time complaining and whining. Invest your time in positive thinking and doing things that will get you where you want to be. #44.- I want to be a doer, more than an overthinker. #45.- We alone can change the course of our lives in a second should we choose to do it. Dedicate yourself to what you love and are passionate about. Screw the rules set by society. If you're able to go through the trials and tribulations, people will follow and love you for it! Follow the path you want.

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